Collage of photograph, plastic glue ans plastic cover on paper Aquari 240 gr
41 × 27,5 cm
Signed and numbered 3/30 in pencil from edition of 30 +3AP +2HC
From the suite of 5 works (Tear (Jerusalem), Lips (Multindus II), Sigh (Réunion), Nail (Tokyo) and Eyes (Granada))
Collage de fotografía y plástico glue sobre papel Aquari 240 gr
41 × 27,5 cm
Firmado y numerado 3/30 a lápiz de una edición de 30 +3PA +2HC
De la suite de 5 obras (Tear (Jerusalem), Lips (Multindus II), Sigh (Réunion), Nail (Tokyo) and Eyes (Granada))