Carl-Henning Pedersen / Fantasiens Slot (The Palace of Fantasy) Présenté par Forlaget Cordelia - Hans Moestrup

Carl-Henning PEDERSEN - Fantasiens Slot (The Palace of Fantasy)

Présenté par Forlaget Cordelia - Hans Moestrup

  • Année
  • Technique
  • Dimensions de l'image
    32,0 x 23,5 cm / 12.6 x 9.3 in
  • Dimensions du papier
    32,0 x 23,5 cm / 12.6 x 9.3 in
  • Tirage
  • Prix
    400 euros (€)
  • Référence
    Sans référence
  • Visite(s)
  • État
Carl-Henning PEDERSEN - Fantasiens Slot (The Palace of Fantasy)

The most sought for of the artist's books illustrated with original graphic works. 500 copies numbered and signed in the colophon. Contains normally 12 original colour lithographs - but this copy contains 13 lithographs as one of the 12 by error has been bound in duplicate..
Whereas the vast majority of the artist's lithographs were executed using lithograph ink, the 12 lithographs in this book were done with lithographic chalk, resulting in lithographs of refined and sensitive qualit.y

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