Oskar Kokoschka / Mörder, Hoffnung der Frauen Présenté par Galerie Hochdruck

Oskar KOKOSCHKA - Mörder, Hoffnung der Frauen

Présenté par Galerie Hochdruck

  • Année
  • Technique
  • Dimensions de l'image
    0,0 x 0,0 cm / 0.0 x 0.0 in
  • Dimensions du papier
    38,3 x 28,9 cm / 15.1 x 11.4 in
  • Tirage
    not stated
  • Prix
    Sur demande
  • Référence
    Söhn HDO 53721, Lang Expressionism p. 77 f. (there with wrong dating), Schweiger 1983 p. 130 ff.
  • Visite(s)
  • État
Oskar KOKOSCHKA - Mörder, Hoffnung der Frauen

(Murderer, Hope of Women), 1910.
Transfer lithograph on zinc after a drawing. Title illustration to: Der Sturm, Vol. 1910, No. 20, 14 July. Edited by Herwarth Walden. The issue also contains the first printing of Kokoschka's drama "Mörder, Hoffnung der Frauen". 8 pages, 38.32 x 28.9 cm. (Restored) centrefold as originally delivered. Reference: Söhn HDO 53721, Lang Expressionism p. 77 f. (there with wrong dating), Schweiger 1983 p. 130 ff.
"With the 'Sturm' drawings O.K. finally broke away from the youthful, melancholic and dreamy style of colour illustration still influenced by Jugendstil and Secessionism.... [...] The drawings created in 1910 are like a belated realisation of what O.K. had done in the literary field - both in 'Die träumenden Knaben' (The Dreaming Boys) and in 'Mörder, Hoffnung der Frauen' (Murderer, Hope of Women), i.e. as early as 1908 and 1909 [...] Animal savagery and cruel battle of the sexes take shape in the drawings. It is understandable that many were irritated [...] When Kokoschka's drawings for 'Mörder, Hoffnung der Frauen' were published in the 'Sturm' [...], according to Nell Walden's statement, 'half the subscribers cancelled the magazine'." (Werner J. Schweiger: Der junge Kokoschka, Vienna-Munich 1983)

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