Keith Haring / Italia 1983. Lucio Amelio - Napoli Maggio Présenté par

Keith HARING - Italia 1983. Lucio Amelio - Napoli Maggio

Présenté par

  • Année
  • Technique
  • Dimensions de l'image
    68,6 x 47,0 cm / 27.0 x 18.5 in
  • Dimensions du papier
    68,6 x 47,0 cm / 27.0 x 18.5 in
  • Prix
    Sur demande
  • Référence
    Haring Posters, 7; PAI-LXXXII, 291
  • Visite(s)
  • État
Keith HARING - Italia 1983. Lucio Amelio - Napoli Maggio

Hedonism Gallery - Brooklyn, NY - Worldwide Shipping

Keith Haring - Italia 1983. Lucio Amelio - Napoli Maggio, 1983

27 x 18.5 inches, 68.6 x 47.0 cm
Signed and dated ‘83 right vertical with trademark symbol in plate

Poster Lucio Amelio Gallery, Napoli,
Reference: Haring Posters, 7; PAI-LXXXII, 291
Good condition with signs of age
Illustrated in "Keith Haring Poster - Short Messages", a catalogue raisonné of posters by Claus von der Osten, Prestel Verlag 2002
Illustrated "Keith Haring- Posters" book by Jurgen Doring (Editor), Claus Von Der Osten (Editor), Published by Prestel, Kunst Museum and Gewerbe Hamburg, number 7.

"The Galleria Lucio Amelio in Naples was one of Italy's most well-known galleries and presented exhibitions by Andy Warhol, Joseph Beuys, and many others. For Haring, this was his only exhibition with Amelio. He spent three weeks in Milan and produced all of the works in the exhibition there, in part in collaboration with his friend Angel Ortiz, also known as LA II" (Haring Posters, p. 107).

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