Luigi Conconi / RITRATTO DI TRANQUILLO CREMONA (Portrait of Tranquillo Cremona) Présenté par La Portantina Di Mattia Jona

Luigi CONCONI - RITRATTO DI TRANQUILLO CREMONA (Portrait of Tranquillo Cremona)

Présenté par La Portantina Di Mattia Jona

  • Année
  • Technique
  • Dimensions de l'image
    14,3 x 13,6 cm / 5.6 x 5.4 in
  • Dimensions du papier
    0,0 x 0,0 cm / 0.0 x 0.0 in
  • Prix
    1 100 euros (€)
  • Référence
    Bianchi - Ginex 5
  • Visite(s)
  • État
Luigi CONCONI - RITRATTO DI TRANQUILLO CREMONA (Portrait of Tranquillo Cremona)

a fine impression of the second state of two, richly and skillfully printed, working on the surface tone with monotypic effects, on thick wove paper. Signed and dated 'LConconi 79' in the plate, monogrammed 'LC' in the film of ink left in the plate in wiping. With large margins, in fine condition.

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