Leonard Baskin / New Year's Greeting / Still Life, from A Poem Called the Tunning of Elynour Rummynge Présenté par Sylvan Cole Gallery

Leonard BASKIN - New Year's Greeting / Still Life, from A Poem Called the Tunning of Elynour Rummynge

Présenté par Sylvan Cole Gallery

  • Année
  • Technique
    Gravure sur bois
  • Dimensions de l'image
    42,0 x 42,5 cm / 16.5 x 16.7 in
  • Dimensions du papier
    42,0 x 42,5 cm / 16.5 x 16.7 in
  • Tirage
    A signed proof on Japanese paper, with large margins, aside from the regular edition of 118
  • Prix
    375 euros (€)
  • Référence
    Fern & O'Sullivan 236
  • Visite(s)
  • État
Leonard BASKIN - New Year's Greeting / Still Life, from A Poem Called the Tunning of Elynour Rummynge

A signed proof with large margins on extremely fine Japanese laid paper, titled in Baskin's elegant hand, aside from the book edition.

Very rare.

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